
People are the most important resource at De Nora, and the "People Strategy" is the reference point that guides the Group's action in attracting, hiring, motivating, and developing talents who share the same values and participate in the company's life. 

Given its international presence, De Nora has always been committed to supporting local communities, promoting and developing projects and initiatives dedicated to the reality in which it operates.

In De Nora, supply chain management, from a strategic point of view, develops market leadership, builds customer loyalty, and supports the company's development.

KPIs (data ad of 12.31.2023)

+ 22%

Women in managerial roles

+ 6%

Training hours

- 15%

Injury rate at work (1)


Suppliers engaged in ESG assessment


Expenditure to local suppliers


Salary Gender pay gap (2)

(1) [number of work related injuries / hours worked] x 1000000
(2) Total Salary Gender Pay Gap has been calculated as the weighted average of the Gender Pay Gap KPIs (GRI compliant) for each geography and employee category



of plants will develop safety days and quarterly H&S reports by 2025

> 50%

of suppliers assessed (by spent) by 2030

> 40%

of female students among the totality engaged in programs to support STEM career development by 2026


DE&I policies to be published by 2024


Territories with mental health hotline or other support channel by 2026


Promote employees' engagement in volunteering activities and local events

People Strategy key pillars

1. People development

De Nora supports young talent from the school stage: collaborates and establishes partnerships with high schools, universities, and research centers in the areas in which it is active to support the "STEM" footprint; ensures opportunities for the younger generation for self-awareness (assessment centers, open days and team building), study, learning, and work experience.

The total number of De Nora employees is 1929 as of December 31, 2022, a 12% increase from 2021. The Group pays attention to the training of employees in order to enhance their skills. In this regard, the "De Nora Academy" (DNA) is committed through on-demand courses and individual development plans to fill specific individual employee gaps.

2. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

De Nora is continuously committed to building a healthy and inclusive work environment.
De Nora's "Each for Equal" (E4E) Committee, chaired in 2022 by the Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), was established in 2020 to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, working primarily to raise awareness of the issue among colleagues and also celebrating on social channels the many national holidays and cultures found in the countries where De Nora operates, and beyond.

3. Well-being and the pursuit of self-fulfilment

De Nora pays special attention to the health and well-being of its employees. The Group strongly supports work-life balance.
Each location has the possibility to work remotely (or in hybrid mode), adapted to different local conditions. 
In addition, at the local level, depending on the country and the categories of staff present, various initiatives have been organized to promote employee well-being.

4. Health and Safety

De Nora has always invested in Health and Safety as it is considered a prerequisite for strong and sustainable growth of the business and that such growth requires every employee to be able to identify workplace hazards, address them, and resolve them to avoid any recurrence. Therefore, De Nora aims to have 100 percent of employees be "Occupational Health and Safety Champions."

5. Communication, reputation e networking

De Nora has a strong reputation function which is dedicated to employer branding aspects. In particular,  those activities focusing on the external communication of the values, skills, individuality and beneficial partnerships that the company expresses, through social media and dedicated events.

6. HR Analytics, processes, digitalization & agility

De Nora put in place an Agility Mindset through training, communication initiatives, and Community creation and nurturing.
The aim is to set up a more data-driven approach to increase HR's ability to predict future organizational trends and lead continuous improvement and corrective action in processes.

Local communities

De Nora has always been committed to supporting local communities, promoting and developing projects dedicated to the reality in which it operates. In fact, several activities were organized in De Nora's locations in 2023, for example: 

  • IDN opened the doors of the Milan headquarters for the first time, welcoming the local community during the event dedicated to Rights and talking about its values and history. A workshop was organized for children, along with a presentation focused on the right to water;
  • DNJ’s Okayama plant offered support to local residents in the event of a natural disaster, providing its facility as an evacuation site or for parking vehicles;
  • DNJ Fujisawa arranged for employees to volunteer at a children’s reception center in the area;
  • DNB donated clothes and personal hygiene products to the ‘SOS - Serviço de Obras Sociais’ Foundation;
  • DNI supported the ‘Lokvishwas Pratisthan’ association, committed to guaranteeing access to study and medical care for people with disabilities;
  • The DNCP site organized a company bazaar where employees could buy and sell items they no longer use, the proceeds of which were donated to a local social organization;
  • As part of its 100th-anniversary cele­brations, De Nora invited some of the NPOs with which it has worked for years to its Xmas Party in Milan, atten­ding the party directly and entertaining it with various activities and work­shops. Its wish was to offer a gesture of support to the local community and invite everyone to contribute with their donation, which was then doubled by De Nora.