Under the name CECHLO™ De Nora presently commercialize electrolyzers designed for different EChem processes:
CECHLO™ was initially developed as electrolyzer for the chlor alkali industry by Chlorine Engineers Japan (CEC) now part of the De Nora / tkIS joint venture tkUCE.
This world proven ion exchange membrane electrolysis technology has been licensed by tkUCE to De Nora that created a complete product family of electrolyzers devote to the sodium hypochloride or chlorine (and caustic) generation from brine or seawater.
The CECHLO™ product family can be summarized as:
Model Feed Product HYPO concentration
CECHLO™ - MS Brine Gas Chlorine/Caustic/Hypo Up to 12,5%
CECHLO™ - IS Brine HYPO 5,0%
CECHLO™ - NS Brine HYPO 1,2%
CECHLO™ - M Sea Water HYPO 2000 ppm