Electrolyzers for salt splitting

To offer a cost-effective and efficient answer to industrial processes combining salt, water and electricity

The CECHLO™ 2/3 compartment cell electrolyzer is derived from the well-established technology for the Chlor‐Alkali industry developed by ThyssenKrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers (Japan) Ltd.

The new concept of CECHLO™ 2/3 compartment cell electrolyzer offers a cost-effective and efficient answer to industrial processes requiring innovative solutions in fast growing niche markets, such as acid and caustic recovery through salt splitting or small/medium size chlor alkali installation for onsite chlorine and hypochlorite generation.

De Nora supplies two sizes of electrolyzers with different cell electrodes effective areas , enabling flexible cell stack design, from small units to large industrial capacity. We can also provide a compact CECHLO™ electrolyzer (two compartment cell or three compartment cell) for field pilot-scale and lab tests, where a field evaluation about the technological and economic feasibility of the process is required prior to scaling up the solution to commercial size.

Cell Model


100 series

300 series

800 series

Anode area

1 dm2

15 dm2

1,1 m2

3,3 m2

Capacity (as Cl2 @ 5 kA/m2)

Lab testing

Field testing

Up to 2,5 ton/day

Up to 25 ton/day



Discover More about our offering

Beside traditional chlor alkali production, this technology offers the potential to deliver substantial advantages to many industrial applications such as the recovery process of:

  • Sodium sulphate (NaOH, H2SO4) for thepulp and paper industry, chemical plants, etc.
  • Lithium sulphate (LiOH, H2SO4) for the lithium ion battery industry;
  • Tetramethyl ammonium (TMA) for the semiconductor industry