
Municipal water and wastewater treatment is critical to protecting human health and our environment. For over 50 years, De Nora companies' innovations have been helping communities continuously improve their processes, thereby improving lives around the globe. We are proud to be the partner of choice, treating billions of gallons of water each day for thousands of cities, towns, and most importantly, the people who live there.

Municipal water treatment processes generally fall within three categories:

  • Drinking Water Production
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Reuse and Reclamation

De Nora offers a full complement of innovative technologies that continuous push the envelop of what can be done.  From best-in-class filtration technologies, to a full suite of disinfection options, De Nora is the partner of choice for throusands of communities around the world.

De Nora is at the forefront of water and wastewater treatment, developing, in real-time, innovations to treat or reduce emerging contaminants of concern.  From trace contaminant removal using our SORB line of products, to reducing disinfection byproducts with the new ClorTec Gen III system, you can rest assured we will be there to help you continuously improve your treatment processes at the best value.

Contact us to find out how we can partner with you to solve your Municipal Water and Wastewater treatment challenges or service your existing system