March 22 2021 -


World Water Day

Dr. Mirka Wilderer explores why it is important for us to address challenges for water availability now before it is too late in her latest blog.

Each year the UN chooses a theme for World Water Day, one that is meant to provoke deep thought and inspire forward action. This year’s theme highlights a singular question: What does water mean to you? While we are all connected to this universally vital resource, the importance of water can mean different things to different people: health, safety, sustainability, energy. By adding our voice – and the voices of our children! - to the conversation and reflecting on water’s impact to our daily lives, we can amplify water’s true value and be part of a surging movement to safeguard it for the future. 

At De Nora, we have a sacred responsibility to protect and preserve water – not only for communities and consumers now, but for our children, the next generation. Our greatest contribution is toward the communities who benefit from our water treatment solutions, technologies that provide safe drinking water worldwide and, today, water treated by De Nora is used by more than 500 million people! We are committed to honoring this responsibility, manufacturing products that allow our customers to operate safely and compliantly while contributing to the sustainability of the planet. I recognize that what we do matters, and each of
our employees approaches their daily work with a commitment to serve the world.

The power of our impact is stronger together and innovation that crosses boundaries is critical to address the global water crisis. The recent deployment of our “Internet of Water Challenge” allowed us to collaborate with outside talent among our global communities to crowdsource ideas and tackle some of the most complex water treatment challenges. Initiatives like these bring us together for the greater good, nurturing a connection to benefit the environment and all of the people in it.

Terrifying statistics about the future of water are easy to find. Did you know, for example, that it is estimated that by 2040, one in four of the world’s children under 18 – some 600 million in all – will be living in areas of extremely high water stress. (UNICEF, 2017)? The world’s children are our children. In the end, the key to a sustainable water future is an emphasis on community—both local and global.

Water, universally vital to all life forms, sustains our health and drives our ecosystems and economies. The future of water – our children’s water - is in our hands right now, and De Nora is committed to safeguarding water for all people, present and future. On this World Water Day, let’s take the time to reflect and act. What can we each do right now to ensure clean and safe water for our families, communities, and future generations?

Our De Nora family has a few ideas!