September 02 2020 -


The stories of four Italian companies which, in a short time, started to produce useful material for Coronavirus emergency

Milan—September 2, 2020 — De Nora was mentioned as a success story along with three other companies during the Coronavirus emergency.

From the very first moments of the emergency, Civil Protection of Codogno - Milan and De Nora collaborated to solve problems related to procurement of sanitizers. Someone may have already heard the name De Nora: it was, in fact, the first company in world to patent the most requested and sought-after product
in recent months, Amuchina®.

The sanitizer produced only with water and salt
De Nora specialized in water treatment, at the beginning of the emergency, immediately activated to help the community in the area of ​​sanitation.
On March 6, in the midst of the expansion of the pandemic, De Nora had in fact made it available to the Protection Four civilian plants for the production of sodium hypochlorite; one of the active ingredients recognized as suitable for disinfection and sanitation of surfaces for the prevention against proliferation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as reported by the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the National Institute of Health.
The systems supplied by De Nora allow to produce sodium hypochlorite directly at the place of use, using only natural ingredients such as water and salt that are transformed using energy supplied by electricity.
Thanks to these technologies, the Codogno Civil Protection, not only has it managed to meet the need on site, but it has opened up to aid that has extended to all of Lombardy to get to central Italy. The solution sanitizer produced by De Nora systems, in fact, is was distributed in 6 Regions, in order to help schools, associations, bodies and state bodies, clinics, hospitals and residences for the elderly.

The "new normal": an opportunity to improve sustainability and impact

The "new normal" linked to Covid-19 requires a high need for sanitizers with impact on protocols cleaning and related costs, increased transport and stocks of quantities of sanitizers. Because do not take the opportunity to rethink the dynamics of sanitation processes of our companies?
Cristian Carboni, Light Industrial Market Manager De Nora, did an interesting insight into this point «The old supply systems have a high impact on the environment (transport, plastic containers to be disposed of, stabilizers such as caustic soda that leaves residues on surfaces and the environment, customs struggles in times of crisis). Everything has led during the crisis to a scarce availability of sanitizers and an unjustified increase in prices. The technologies developed by our company allow to respond to the growing demand for sanitizers, avoid supply problems, avoid price fluctuations, dependence on suppliers and on transporters, reduce the environmental impact. I believe it is the time to innovate towards sustainability ».

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