October 28 2019 -


De Nora and Ozone protagonists at the 24th IOA world congress in Nice

Advanced ozone and oxidation technologies with De Nora

Nice, FR - October 20-25, 2019 - De Nora was protagonist of the 24th world congress on ozone and advanced oxidation organized by the IOA (International Ozone Association) from 20 to 25 October, Nice - FR.
De Nora researchers were selected for 5 presentations, for workshops about Young Ozone People and about Highlights on Innovation.
During the scientific congress, state-of-the-art technologies related to the use of ozone and advanced oxidation in wastewater treatment, industrial processes and water purification were presented.
In the Ozone session in Agrifood 50% of the presentations concerned processes studied and developed by prestigious research institutions in collaboration with De Nora.
Great interest to the presentation of Cristian Carboni (De Nora) regarding use of advanced oxidation systems for the treatment of wastewater from a biorefinery. At the end of the Congress, the general assembly elected Cristian Carboni as new board member of the International Ozone Association.

For more information
De Nora Water Technologies: info.dnwt@denora.com