January 19 2018 -


AFC Energy and De Nora for longevity of electrodes

Fuel cell specialist AFC Energy plc believes that longevity of fuel cell electrodes, developed with De Nora, has the potential to slash the cost of hydrogen power

Adam Bond, CEO, said:” The ability to deliver this extended operational lifetime in our electrodes is the critical factor in reducing the levelized cost of power. This would be an incredible outcome not only for AFC Energy, but for the fuel cell industry and the wider hydrogen economy, and will put our technology on a comparable footing with other low carbon, base load power generation technologies”.

Thanks to the cooperation between AFC and De Nora, a new electrode pairing had gone on test in december and was expected to exceed the predicted life of one year and might even run for two years.

Work has also started on a further upgrade to the electrode anode and cathode pairings to enable them to run for four years.

AFC’s focus, togheter to De Nora, is the generation of power from waste hydrogen produced by the chemical industry.

About AFC Energy
AFC Energy plc has developed an alkaline fuel cell system, which converts hydrogen into 'clean' electricity.  AFC Energy's POWER-UP project demonstrated the world's largest operational alkaline fuel cell system at Air Products' industrial gas plant in Stade, Germany in January 2016.  The Company is now looking to build upon an already established pipeline of commercial opportunities through delivery of a technically optimised and commercially relevant fuel cell system.

For further information, please visit: www.afcenergy.com