September 02 2016 -


De Nora wings gold medal at macfrut innovation award 2016

The award ceremony will be held Friday, September 16 Macfrut Innovation Hall - Rimini

September 2nd 2016, Milan – De Nora is one of the winners of Macfrut Innovation Awards, sponsored by L’Informatore Agrario and Cesena Fiera, which identify the best technological innovations for environmental and economic sustainability and improvement of the quality of products in the fruit and vegetable sector.

De Nora has constantly invested in innovation to develop compact systems, with low environmental impact, for the production on site and on-demand solutions that do not involve the use of chemical products .

De Nora will be awarded with the gold medal “Macfrut Innovation Awards” during the ceremony that will take place on Friday, 16th September at 11:00 am at the Macfrut Innovation Hall. A special area will be set up to accommodate the winning products while the award plate will be exhibited at De Nora’s booth (Hall D3, booth 195) during the entire exhibition period.

The project presented by De Nora, developed from an initiative of the Venetian Rural Development Programme 2007-2013, completed in 2015, concerns a new storage system for the transportation of fruit and vegetables, both in the refrigerated cells and containers, which is based on passive cooling and ozone. The use of gaseous ozone in the storage cells allows a substantial reduction of the microbial load, with a consequent containment of the perishable nature of the products, delay of aging processes, reduction of losses and increase of the shelf life and percentage of healthy products.

Cristian Carboni, Food Market & Applications Manager di De Nora, commented: " Visitors who will come to our stand at Macfrut will be able to discover in details the protocols and developments affecting the preservation of fruits and vegetables thanks to this innovative awarded system."

The project involved Cristiana Furiani from Geofur, Cristian Carboni (De Nora), Paul Manzan, Consortium for the protection of Treviso and Castelfranco Veneto radicchio IGP, John Aldegheri, Confcooperative Union of Verona, Luca Sgardiolo from Ortoromi, Frederick Baruzzi, Institute of Sciences for food production (CNR-ISPA) Bari, Thaer Yassen, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IAM), Alberto Ghirardi, Passive Refrigeration Solutions S.A..