August 02 2016 -


De Nora BWTS progresses through intensive USCG testing

Land-based and ship-board testing for De Nora BALPURE® electrochlorination system successfully underway at MERC

De Nora, a market leading supplier of electrochlorination equipment, has announced that its De Nora BALPURE® ballast water treatment system (BWTS) is currently progressing through both land-based and shipboard testing for compliance with US Coast Guard (USCG) ballast water management legislation. The testing and evaluations leading to USCG Type Approval are being completed under the NSF Independent Laboratory at the Maritime Environmental Resource Centre (MERC) in Baltimore. The conclusion of these two testing periods will complete the four document packs that De Nora will submit to the USCG to apply for type approval for its BWTS, which is already certified under the USCG Alternative Management System.

De Nora BALPURE® is being tested with filters from multiple suppliers and has already completed one of the three salinities required by the land-based testing. It was previously identified by the US EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB) as one of three systems that demonstrated the ability to meet a standard 10 times more stringent than the IMO D-2 standard.

De Nora has over 90 years’ experience in electrolytic seawater disinfection, and over 12 years’ experience in ballast water treatment. The slipstream design concept, patented by De Nora for use in BALPURE® systems, was developed using the vast knowledge and experience derived as the world leader in the on-site generation of electrolytic biocide solutions. It has been rigorously tested both by class societies and legislators and in commercial use, and has already secured IMO Type-Approval as well as type-approval from Lloyd’s Register, ABS and Bureau Veritas. To date, De Nora BALPURE® has been selected for 48 new build LNG vessels and tankers and has recently been chosen for the retrofit of seven vessels.

Lawrence Quinn, CEO, De Nora Water Technologies:
Getting both of these sets of testing underway ensures we are on track with our approvals timeline for full type approval from class societies, IMO and the USCG in 2017. We anticipate land-based testing to be completed with multiple filter suppliers and in all three salinities required this year with shipboard testing to follow shortly after, dependent on the weather conditions and its effect on the organisms present in the water along the route of the vessel the tests are being conducted on.

De Nora has installed thousands of seawater electrolytic anti-fouling systems globally across multiple applications including LNG Terminals and coastal power systems. We are therefore extremely confident that the BALPURE® system will continue to progress successfully through this process and meet the most stringent standards upheld by the USCG.”

Under the land based testing, a BALPURE® BWTS at MERC will be tested almost every week in different water salinities and with different filters. A series of comprehensive measurements will be taken to ensure that all organisms are killed, that by-products are acceptable and that the water is fully neutralised on discharge to prevent any residual chlorine entering the sea. The shipboard test is being conducted by a MERC specialist onboard a vessel that has had BALPURE® installed for a number of years, which is traversing the west coast of the US over a period of six months. De Nora has already completed both engineering design and environmental testing elements of the submission to the USCG.

Media enquiries
Kate O’Connor
T: +44 1865 514214
M: +44 7711593576