De Nora India

De Nora India Limited is a company traded on Indian stock exchange, with the absolute majority of the share owned by Industrie De Nora.
De Nora India has a manufacturing workshop and office center located in Goa (Goa - India) tailored to satisfy all regional customers’ needs both in terms of anode manufacturing and technical assistance.
De Nora India is the center of excellence for cathodic protection and brine chlorination.
Established in 1989 with the name of “Titanor Components Ltd” and subsequently renamed “De Nora India Ltd.

General contacts

Plot Nos. 184, 185 & 189,
Kundaim Industrial Estate
Kundaim, Goa 403115, India

Ph. +91 832 673 1100/1177

How to reach us

Follow the link to find our location