Because it does not form TTHM or HAA disinfection byproducts (DBP), chlorine dioxide is ideal for
pre-oxidation of surface water for drinking water applications. Chlorine dioxide oxidizes iron and manganese, is effective over a wide pH range, and does not react with ammonia. It is used for Legionella control, membrane pre-treatment and biofouling control, algae control, and disinfection/oxidation of ammonia-rich waters such as fish farming.
The Capital Controls® G50 series generators use commercially available chlorine gas and 25-31% sodium chlorite to produce chlorine dioxide for water treatment, making it ideal for applications where chlorine gas is used for primary disinfection.
The Capital Controls® L30 series generators use commercially available 25-31% sodium chlorite and 31% hydrochloric acid to produce chlorine dioxide for water treatment. The underwater design employs a submerged reaction chamber and inline configuration, providing maximum yield and safety, without requiring chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite (bleach).
The Capital Controls® T70 series generators use commercially available 31% hydrochloric acid and 25-31% sodium chlorite to produce chlorine dioxide for water treatment, without requiring chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite (bleach).