Capital Controls® Chlorine Dioxide Generators

For generations, the Capital Controls® name has been synonymous with disinfection in water treatment. With hundreds of chlorine dioxide generator installations around the world, De Nora has leveraged that expertise, developing the next stage in chlorine dioxide disinfection - a modern, flexible, and safe line of chlorine dioxide generators

Capital Controls®



Enhanced Disinfection

Small Footprint

Because it does not form TTHM or HAA disinfection byproducts (DBP), chlorine dioxide is ideal for 
pre-oxidation of surface water for drinking water applications. Chlorine dioxide oxidizes iron and manganese, is effective over a wide pH range, and does not react with ammonia. It is used for Legionella control, membrane pre-treatment and biofouling control, algae control, and disinfection/oxidation of ammonia-rich waters such as fish farming.

The Capital Controls® G50 series generators use commercially available chlorine gas and 25-31% sodium chlorite to produce chlorine dioxide for water treatment, making it ideal for applications where chlorine gas is used for primary disinfection. 
The Capital Controls® L30 series generators use commercially available 25-31% sodium chlorite and 31% hydrochloric acid  to produce chlorine dioxide for water treatment.  The underwater design employs a submerged reaction chamber and inline configuration, providing maximum yield and safety, without requiring chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite (bleach).  

The Capital Controls® T70 series generators use commercially available 31% hydrochloric acid and 25-31% sodium chlorite to produce chlorine dioxide for water treatment, without requiring chlorine gas or sodium hypochlorite (bleach). 

Why Capital Controls®?

Capital Controls G50 Chlorine Dioxide
  • 40 years of chlorine dioxide experience
  • Inherently safe all-vacuum system
  • Acid-chlorite reaction systems up to  1,500 lb/day (30 kg/h) on a single skid
  • Gas phase reaction systems up to 2,500 PPD (50 kg/h) on a single skid
  • Does not form TTHMs, effective over a wide pH range, oxidizes iron and manganese

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