七月 07 2017 -


De Nora TETRA™ LP Blocks™ cleaning up in Ireland

爱尔兰还有两家水处理厂将使用De Nora TETRA™ ANCHOR-RITE® LP Blocks™快速重力过滤下水道收集和反冲洗分配系统。

Demand for the De Nora TETRA™ ANCHOR-RITE® LP Blocks™ in Ireland shows no sign of abating with the award of two further contracts on the Emerald Isle coming on the back of recent installations at Leixlip, Kerry and North Roscommon.

Coffey Water Ltd has chosen De Nora TETRA™ ANCHOR-RITE® LP Blocks™, one of the most established names in drinking water and wastewater filters, as its product of choice at two WTPs (Water Treatment Plants), one under construction at Owenteskna and the other an existing facility at Kilkit, which is undergoing a €4.5million upgrade.

In municipal drinking water applications or pre-treatment for desalination plants using gravity filters, the filter underdrain is one of the most important components contributing to overall system performance and operation — whether a new filter design or retrofitting an existing filter.

Incorporating the patented/sector-leading ANCHOR-RITE® and GroutGrip™ technologies, De Nora LP Blocks are not only highly-effective as a filter underdrain but they also offer superior distribution of both backwash air and water, either sequentially or concurrently.

The De Nora TETRA™ ANCHOR-RITE® LP Blocks™ are lightweight yet almost twice as resistant to uplift than more conventional systems due to its unique design features, another reason why key delivery partners view the product so highly.

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