十二月 21 2013 -


De Nora solution for copper electrowinning presented at international conference


Milan - January 2014 - Great interest was shown  both from the academic and industrial world to the latest development of De Nora solution for copper electrowinning during Copper 2013, the 8th International Conference , in Santiago de Chile. The Conference, sponsored by the Institute of Mining Engineers of Chile (IIMCh), takes place every three years and is an opportunity for the most relevant stakeholders in the copper industry to present insight and discussion about the economy, mineral processing, extractive mining, environmental, social issues and about the scope of research and innovation on the alternative uses and applications pertaining to the production of copper. For this occasion, the Chairman of Technical Committee, Marco A. Alfaro Sironvalle, selected 330 papers, organized 10 Symposia’s, with a two days session dedicated to Electrowinning.

The two technical papers presented by Carl Brown Technical Assistance DNOx Manager, on the latest development of an innovative commercial solution based on De Nora DSA® anode registered high attendance and great success. The audience was so interested in the content of the papers that a large number of people visited De Nora’s booth to receive deeper information.  Every person was welcomed with professionalism and competence by Dario Zanin, Manager of De Nora Do Brasil, Gonzalo Reinosa, Technical Field Service Engineer, Carl Brown, David Francis and Paolo Dellachà, CEO of De Nora

David Francis, De Nora’s Regional Director-Latin America, started the Electrowinning technical session dedicated to Oronzio De Nora (THE ORONZIO DE NORA ELECTROWINNING SYMPOSIUM), introducing the charismatic figure of Oronzio De Nora as a brilliant scientist, businessman as well as founder of the Industrie De Nora.

With the paper titled  “The De Nora Solution – Part I, DSA® Anodes For Copper Electrowinning” Carl Brown presented how De Nora’s advanced R&D, combined with over 40 years of expertise & experience in DSA® anodes for chloride based electrowinning, contributed to the development of “De Nora’s Solution” for sulfate based Copper Electrowinning (Cu EW).

The results, in terms of dendrite mitigation, energy saving and cathode quality, were shown in the second paper “The De Nora Solution part II – Acid Mist Abatement”

Acid mist is an undesirable, but inherent consequence of copper electrowinning (Cu EW) manufacturing process, which  at elevated levels can be potentially harmfull to the healths of  personnel working in the tankhouse, as well as corrosive  and dangerous for all the metals parts in  the plant.. Mr. Brown explained how De Nora’s Solution, built around DSA® anodes, captures the acid mist at the source, allowing the plant to operate with an unprecedented low level of atmospheric acid mist, providing extra added value in safer Cu EW tankhouse operations.

Overall, the Conference attracted over 600 leaders of the mining, financial and related industries and  offered a unique opportunity for networking, as well as insightful presentations and  high professional workshops.